Q: What is Adopt-a-Class?
A: It is a unique program overseen by the Burlington Community Scholarship Foundation Dollars for Scholars (BCSFDS) in which a local business or organization commits to working with a specific graduating class to raise funds from the time the children are in kindergarten through 12th grade. Through sponsor donations and events/activities planned by the class, funds are raised, invested and distributed as scholarships in the spring of the senior year of high school. Each class has volunteers consisting of a Parent Coordinator(s), a Committee, and a Corporate Sponsor.
Some Corporate Sponsors make a yearly donation to the class during the Annual BCSFDS Fundraiser. That money can be used by the Committee to fund and plan larger events and activities to raise MORE money - if the class chooses to do that.
Q: Who is eligible to apply for an Adopt-a-Class scholarship?
A: ALL school-aged (K-12) Burlington residents who are graduating that year and have volunteered their required minimum hours for AAC approved events. A student does NOT have to attend Burlington high school. Students must apply in their senior year by filling out an application available at the BHS Guidance Office.
Q: What is the "Points System"?
A: Click here for a printable matrix of how the system works. In summary:
- Students begin volunteering in the 9th grade.
- K-12th grade: Parents may earn points for their children through events/activities planned by that Class Committee.
- High School: Students MUST earn a *minimum* of 2 points per year (9th-12th grade) for a total of 8 points. Effective with the Class of 2018, any high school student who does not complete 2 hours of volunteering during any given year will still be eligible to apply for a scholarship if they complete a minimum of 16 hours of volunteering during their high school years. For example: You did 2 hours in Grade 9, 10, missed 11 now in grade 12 you need make up points to bring you to a total of 16 to qualify. Points earned prior to HS do not count towards this minimum. Points are earned through specific AAC-approved events (list is available through the Burlington High School Counseling Department) and sign in/out sheets must be signed by the student. Non-BHS students can find out about upcoming events on the BHS principals blog / daily announcements or the BCSFDS website and can sign up to volunteer by emailing Theresa Cavanaugh at cavanaugh@bpsk12.org.
- Parents can now earn hours in grades 9-12. You will have to sign in with the Parent Rep for the class not the Student sign-in sheet. Students must still earn their own hours to qualify.
A: Correct. This program is about volunteer work and community service.
Q: How are hours tracked?
A: K-8th grade, points are turned in to the AAC Board via the Parent Coordinators for events/activities done that year. In HS, students must sign in/out for AAC-approved activities and those forms are kept by the Board. Regardless of tracking done by the AAC Board, families should keep their own records.
Q: How many scholarships are given out every year? Is there a limit for amounts/points?
A: The AAC Board aims to give out as many scholarships as possible. Since 1999, Adopt-a-Class awards totaling $730,235 have been given out to 842 students. During senior year, the AAC Board looks at the class money earned, number of completed applications, and all points earned (lowest to highest and in between) and comes up with scholarship "ranges/levels". All scholarship ranges each year are completely dependent upon what is earned by that class. The more funds the class raises the better!
Q: What sorts of events can the Parent Coordinators, Committee and Corporate Sponsor do to raise money and earn points?
A: Parent Coordinators and their Committee initiate and plan the events/activities (with financial help from the Corporate Sponsor). Examples have included bake sales, cookbook sales, annual pie sale, raffles, Jim Plunkett night, spring gala night, an 80's themed event, wrapping paper. There are also local restaurants that will give a percentage of the sales on a dedicated night. It's all up to the class!
Q: Who is my child's Parent Coordinator/Sponsor? How can I get involved?
A: Click here for information on each class.
Q: Where can I find the full listing of Adopt-a-Class guidelines?
A: Click here for information on the guidelines for Business Partners and Volunteers.
Adopt-a-Class Board
Rose Hatch, AAC Board - rhatch@bcsfds.org
Debbie Keene, AAC Board - dkeene@bcsfds.org
Sanjita Shah, AAC Board - sshah@bcsfds.org
Joe Warrino, AAC Board - jwarrino@bcsfds.org
Theresa Cavanaugh, BHS Coordinator - tcavanaugh@bcsfds.org
Wendy Geist, BHS Coordinator - wgeist@bpsk12.org