Founded in 1988 the Burlington Community Scholarship Foundation Dollars for Scholars (BCSF Dollars for Scholars) provides scholarship opportunities for residents of Burlington, Massachusetts. The Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization administered by a volunteer board of directors. Dollars for Scholars is a program from Scholarship America ®, the largest non-profit, private-sector scholarship and educational support organization in the United States. Scholarship America believes that every student deserves an opportunity to go to college, regardless of their financial status. The Burlington Chapter is one of many volunteer-driven Dollars for Scholars chapters helping students in communities across America.
The BCSF Dollars for Scholars also oversees the Adopt-A-Class program. Adopt-a-Class is a unique plan in which a local business or organization commits to working with a specific graduating class to raise funds from kindergarten through 12th grade. Sponsor donations and events/activities are planned by the class; funds are raised, invested, and distributed as scholarships in the spring of senior year in high school. Each class has volunteers consisting of a Parent Coordinator(s), a Committee, and a Corporate Sponsor. The Corporate Sponsor makes a yearly donation to the class during the Annual Telethon. That money can be used by the Committee to fund and plan larger events and activities to raise more money - if the class so chooses.